ARMA - the Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Alliance - is the UK umbrella association bringing together support groups, professional bodies and research organisations in the field of arthritis and other musculoskeletal conditions.
Stoke ARMA brings together patients, patient groups & health professionals to work to improve local musculoskeletal services. We -

  • Monitor local service provision
  • Identify, and campaign on local service issues using the ARMA Standards of Care and other policy initiatives
  • Provide a shared forum for service users, providers and planners

Did you know...?

  • At least 8.5 million people in the UK have 'Arthritis' - the term commonly used for musculoskeletal conditions involving bone, joint and connective tissue.
  • It is the single largest cause of disability in the UK. There are over 200 types of musculoskeletal condition, from more common conditions such as back pain, to rarer diseases like scleroderma.
  • These can affect anyone of any age including children, & cause chronic pain and disability.

Notes from the ARMA meeting held on 28th September 2007

The meeting split into two groups to discuss ideas for a proposed new resource / information centre to be based at the Haywood hospital rheumatology department.

Written notes will be posted here soon - in the meantime we have posted photographs of flipcharts arising from the two groups -
  • from the group facilitated by Kay (immediately below)

  • from the group facilitated by Paul (at bottom of page)
click on each of the pictures to enlarge

meeting plan - 28th Sept 2007

1:00 - Lunch
1:30 - introductory items -

  • feedback from previous meeting
  • Resource centre - progress
  • Blood monitor clinics
  • website development

2:15 - Update - Haywood hospital building plans

2:30 - split into groups to discuss Resource centre / feedback

4:00 - closing remarks / next meeting

4:15 - meeting close